Home News DOCTORS Co., Ltd., provides a one-stop service to support medical care of COVID-19 patients for municipalities by integrating frontline doctors and online medical care – DOCTORS built a support system for recuperating patients in a number of administrative agencies and municipalities including Osaka Prefecture –

Press Release


DOCTORS Co., Ltd., provides a one-stop service to support medical care of COVID-19 patients for municipalities by integrating frontline doctors and online medical care – DOCTORS built a support system for recuperating patients in a number of administrative agencies and municipalities including Osaka Prefecture –

DOCTORS Co., Ltd., (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Takao Yanagawa; hereinafter referred to as DOCTORS), which provides one-stop services for the development, support, sales, and distribution of digital healthcare services and support for medical cooperation telemedicine, started a comprehensive medical care support service on-site and online for administrative agencies and local governments, including online health consultations, telemedicine, and house calls for COVID-19 patients recuperating in hotels and at home. DOCTORS is engaged in the building and operation of a system for on-site medical care teams consisting of healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, and will respond flexibly according to local circumstances by taking advantage of the DOCTORS’ network.


In the midst of an unpredictable situation with the re-expansion of COVID-19, not only the number of beds to accommodate severely ill patients but also the number of hotels to accommodate patients with mild and moderate symptoms are becoming tight in metropolitan areas. Accordingly, the number of patients who are forced to recuperate at home continues to increase.

We, DOCTORS, have been promoting various measures and support for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We have been providing services for patients recuperating in hotels to a number of administrative agencies and local governments, including Osaka Prefecture, since FY 2021, by securing medical personnel, including doctors, stationed on-site and making proposals and improvements to the operational flow. In addition, in close collaboration with our affiliated medical institutions, we promptly opened an emergency consultation center for COVID-19 patients recuperating at home, which is available 24 hours a day. As such, we are supporting the provision of safe, secure medical care to community residents.



[Information for reference: Osaka Prefectural Emergency Consultation Center for COVID-2019 Patients Recuperating at Home]


Currently, it is difficult to secure healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds quickly and continuously to establish medical treatment systems for COVID-19. We, DOCTORS, are responding to this unprecedented situation by making full use of our original medical network of expert doctors and others, as well as Doctors Station™, our online medical care support platform so that we can be as helpful as possible for not only patients infected with COVID-19 but also healthcare professionals who are engaged in medical practice at the forefront of community medicine and those who work in local governments and administrative agencies, such as public health centers.

Doctors Station™ can provide all solutions to build an online medical care support service. We, Doctors, can quickly establish a total system conforming to medial security and compliance ranging from telemedicine, online medical consultations, and online medical interviews to PCR testing services of as high quality as that of medical institutions (available for individuals, companies, and organizations) as well as to online pre-vaccination screening systems for COVID-19 vaccines. In addition, medical personnel can engage in medical care online and on-site. We will continue to greatly contribute to the forefront of COVID-19 by establishing a clinical practice system and by achieving seamless support for online medical care.


■Press release: “Launched Doctors Laboratory, a PCR Test Center with as high quality as that of medical institutions”


■Doctors Laboratory’s website about postal PCR tests


■Press release: “Started providing a one-stop medical care system for COVID-19 large-scale vaccination”


■About Doctors Station™



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