Press Release
DOCTORS Co., Ltd., forming a capital and business alliance with Nisso Corporation, has started developing the new Medicine, People, and Work service by utilizing digital healthcare.– Developing a new business in the medical DX area toward the telemedicine era –
DOCTORS Co., Ltd., (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; president & CEO: Takao Yanagawa; hereinafter referred to as “DOCTORS”), which provides one-stop services for the development support, sales, and distribution of digital healthcare services and the platform supporting medical aligned telemedicine, hereby announces that it has formed a capital and business alliance with Nisso Corporation (head office: Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa; representative director, president & CEO: Ryuichi Shimizu; hereinafter referred to as “NISSO”) to develop NISSO’s new Medicine, People, and Work service in the healthcare/health technology field by utilizing a group of DOCTORS’ digital healthcare solutions including Doctors Station®, a platform to support online medical care.
This capital and business alliance will integrate the online medical care team, medical DX platform, and medical practice operations of DOCTORS to actualize essential digital healthcare services, which it provides from the perspective of doctors working in the medical front and the know-how in the field of comprehensive human resources services that NISSO has cultivated. Thereby, both companies will promote collaboration, aiming to commercialize a new medical DX human resources service for medical-related facilities and medical/healthcare-related companies.
Figure: Illustration of how to provide a new medical DX service for utilizing human resources to be undertaken through a capital and business alliance
Against the backdrop of technological innovations, such as IoT and AI, a new movement of utilizing data is accelerating even in the medical field by collecting not only the data acquired in medical institutions but also the data on daily life between medical examinations. Becoming active are efforts to aim for the improvement of pre-symptomatic diseases and treatment outcomes through digital healthcare services. Many companies are developing new digital healthcare services that include utilization for prevention and monitoring, while medical institutions, such as hospitals and clinics, are beginning to work on medical DX to utilize those services. However, both these companies and medical institutions are facing a shortage of human resources who have abundant know-how in medical care and digital technology to lead the project to success. Thus, the supply of medical DX human resources has become an issue.
In order to resolve these issues, we at DOCTORS will incorporate the know-how of medical DX utilizing Doctors Station® into NISSO’s know-how in the field of comprehensive human resource services by which we will build a new medical DX service to utilize human resources for medical-related facilities medical/healthcare-related companies.
Doctors Station® is an online medical care support platform that provides the following three features collectively based on the cloud system conforming to medical security and compliance.
(1) Medical care team, including expert doctors, with extensive experience in telemedicine and online medical consultations (2) Highly available and scalable medical DX platform that can handle a large number of patients subject to telemedicine (3) Medical practice operation that can flexibly and promptly respond to various diseases and departments *Telemedicine is carried out in collaboration with medical institutions. |
Figure: Features of Doctors Station®, an online medical care support platform
Doctors Station® can provide an online medical support service from among its various services with these features after customizing them to meet demands from companies and local governments. In this project with NISSO, too, we will customize Doctors Station® to meet the needs of its new service.
DOCTORS, together with NISSO, will continue to promote the various business development projects that will contribute to medical DX by supporting online medical care teams, building a clinical environment system, and achieving seamless support for online medical care.
■About Nisso Corporation
Company name: Nisso Corporation
Representative: Ryuichi Shimizu, Representative Director, President & CEO
(Prime Market, Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Head office: Nisso Kosan (NISSO) Shin Yokohama Bldg., 1-4-1 Shin Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 222-0033 Japan
Listed stock exchange: Prime Market, Tokyo Stock Exchange
■Doctors Station®について
[Overview of DOCTORS Co., Ltd.]
Company name: DOCTORS Co., Ltd.
Representative: Takao Yanagawa, President & CEO
Head office: 5F PMO Hamamatsucho II, 2-3-6 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan
Date of establishment: September 2016
Date of business launching: October 2019
Business description: Providing various services, including Doctors Cloud® to support the commercialization of digital healthcare services, Doctors Next® for comprehensively supporting medical DX and digital healthcare services, and Doctors Station® for supporting medical-collaborative telemedicine services by making use of the network of active EXPERT DOCTORS* based on original guidelines.
*EXPERT DOCTOR: A network of doctors who have top-class experience and achievements in the clinical environment and have a positive attitude toward digital healthcare and medical DX. More than 600 doctors, mostly specialists, participate in this network.
Contact person: Tachiya
TEL: +81-3-6263-8871