Home News DOCTORS Co., Ltd., provides the Osaka prefectural government with Doctors Station®, a platform to support online medical care all at once, to deal with telemedicine at the scale of 150,000 patients per month. – Commissioned by the Osaka prefectural government to operate a telemedicine scheme for young COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms –

Press Release


DOCTORS Co., Ltd., provides the Osaka prefectural government with Doctors Station®, a platform to support online medical care all at once, to deal with telemedicine at the scale of 150,000 patients per month. – Commissioned by the Osaka prefectural government to operate a telemedicine scheme for young COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms –

DOCTORS Co., Ltd., (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; president & CEO: Takao Yanagawa; hereinafter referred to as “DOCTORS”), which provides one-stop services for the development support, sales, and distribution of digital healthcare services and the platform supporting medical aligned telemedicine, hereby announces that it has provided Doctors Station®, its platform to support online medical care, for a telemedicine plan that the Osaka prefectural government launched on August 3, 2022, for young COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms and has started its operation corresponding to telemedicine at the scale of 150,000 patients per month.


As Osaka Prefecture has entered the seventh wave of COVID-19, the number of new cases per day exceeds 20,000, and the infection continues to spread. While promoting the determination of the COVID-19 infection with the antigen qualitative test kit for young prefectural residents of Osaka aged 20 to 49 and with mild symptoms, the Osaka prefectural government has started a framework where residents can use telemedicine for free when their test results are positive. The purpose of this is, by making it possible for young people whose risk for severe conditions is relatively low, to use telemedicine free of charge without visiting the fever outpatient department of a medical institution and to secure an opportunity to see doctors for elderly people whose risk of severe conditions is high as well as children.

In order to achieve this objective, we, DOCTORS, concluded a service agreement with the Osaka prefectural government and have established a one-stop system for the entire process from initial consultations after positive test results to arrangements and appointments of telemedicine, to telemedicine through video call, and to the delivery of prescriptions and shipment of prescribed drug by making use of Doctors Station®, our platform to support online medical care.

Doctors Station® is an online medical care support platform that provides the following three features collectively based on the cloud system conforming to medical security and compliance.


[Features of Doctors Station®]

(1) Medical care team consisting of expert doctors with extensive experience in telemedicine and online medical consultations, nurses, and pharmacists
(2) Highly available and scalable medical DX platform that can handle a large number of patients subject to telemedicine
(3) Medical practice operation that can flexibly and promptly respond to various diseases, including COVID-19, and departments
*Telemedicine is carried out in collaboration with medical institutions.


Figure: Features of Doctors Station®, an online medical support platform


Doctors Station® can provide an online medical support service from among its various services with these features after customizing them to meet demands from companies and local governments. In this proposition with the Osaka prefectural government, too, we were able to achieve a speedy start-up and stable operation because we had customized the service according to this plan. We, in the future, will build and operate an optimal online medical care plan to satisfy the individual needs of other local governments, too, based on our Doctors Station®.


In regard to the establishment of a clinical system for COVID-19, Japan is still experiencing a difficult situation to secure healthcare professionals quickly and continuously due to various circumstances. We, DOCTORS, will accelerate the provision of our services to various local governments and companies by responding to this unprecedented situation while making full use of Doctors Station®, our platform to support online medical care in cooperation with our own medical network that includes expert doctors so that we can help not only COVID-19 patients but also healthcare professionals engaged in practice at the forefront of local medical service and those who are working at local governments and administrative organs, such as public health centers, and that we can save as many patients as possible.

DOCTORS will continue to contribute to the forefront of COVID-19 by supporting online medical care teams, building a clinical system, and achieving seamless support for online medical care.



Links for reference

■“About Providing Online Medical Consultations to Young Patients With Mild Symptoms” by the Osaka Prefectural Government
■– COVID-19 Online Medical Station by Osaka Prefectural Government – Powered by Doctors Station®
■About Doctors Station®


[Overview of DOCTORS Co., Ltd.]
Company name: DOCTORS Co., Ltd.
Representative: Takao Yanagawa, President & CEO
Head office: 5F PMO Hamamatsucho II, 2-3-6 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan
Date of establishment: September 2016
Date of business launching: October 2019
Business description: Providing various services, including Doctors Cloud® to support the commercialization of digital healthcare services, Doctors Next® for comprehensively supporting medical DX and digital healthcare services, and Doctors Station® for supporting medical-collaborative telemedicine services by making use of the network of active EXPERT DOCTORS* based on original guidelines.
*EXPERT DOCTOR: A network of doctors who have top-class experience and achievements in the clinical environment and have a positive attitude toward digital healthcare and medical DX. More than 600 doctors, mostly specialists, participate in this network.

Contact person: Nishiyama, Chief Medical Officer
TEL: +81-3-6263-8871
Email: info@doctors-inc.jp