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Our Services

From planning and developing digital health services, through conducting pilot projects
and clinical research, to the acquisition of medical device certification.

Comprehensive Digital Health Support Services Doctors Hub™️

Over 700 expert physicians will participate in the project to grow new and existing healthcare apps and medical IT services to a level of quality, medical standards, and evidence acceptable to the medical community, as well as business profitability.

Supported by over 700 expert doctors

Digital Health Distribution and Sales Network Doctors Next™

Through an alliance with a powerful medical wholesaler alliance that holds the last mile to 110,000 medical institutions and 320,000 physicians in Japan, we will promote the spread of your digital health services through our unique digital-focused distribution system.
Doctors Next™ is produced by over 700 expert physicians based on the concept of "doctors telling doctors. Doctors Next™ is a completely new next-generation distribution platform that supports physicians in "knowing, choosing, and using" digital health services.

Supported by over 700 expert doctors

Online medical support platform Doctors Station™

Unlike conventional health consultation and online medical care systems, this packaged system is compatible with all medical departments and can build an online medical support service that provides comprehensive support to patients through physician-centered team medicine. The flow from initial consultation, medical interview, triage, and medical treatment, similar to that of a general hospital, can all be performed online. By using DoctorsStation™ as an online medical support platform, your B2C healthcare service can be established quickly and at low cost.

Supported by over 700 expert doctors